April 12, 5 - 8 pm and
April 13, 2 - 5 pm
April 19, 5 - 8 pm and
April 20, 2 - 5 pm
Are your sailing moves a little rusty after the long cold Utah winter? Bonneville's Rusty Buster is the perfect way for trained sailors to polish their sailing skills. In just two 3-hour sessions of hands-on training you will go from frozen to summer ready! Under the guidance of our certified instructors, you will quickly re-acquire and add to your sailing skills. Get reacquainted with points of sail, tacking, jibing, heaving-to, wing-on-wing, reefing, rounding buoys and MOB procedures. Confidence is a real safety factor when in strong conditions. Let us give you the confidence you want to feel in control.
Course Duration: 6 Hours
Prerequisites: Previous Sailing Experience
Cost: $225
Class size: 4 students/instructor
Call 801-636-5204 to reserve