Bonneville School of Sailing
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Bonneville School of Sailing is a drug-free workplace. This policy applies to all Bonneville School of Sailing employees, as well as contractors and temporary workers. The purpose of this policy is to promote a safe, healthy working environment for all employees; to reduce absenteeism and tardiness and improve work performance; and to avoid accidental injuries to people or damage to property. This policy applies to alcoholic beverages, prescription drugs, inhalants, and illegal drugs.
Bonneville School of Sailing has the right to implement and conduct drug and alcohol screening tests at any time.
Violating the drug-free policy, failure to cooperate, refusing to be tested, providing false information, or omitting information may subject you to additional disciplinary action, including termination.
Definitions For the purpose of this policy, "illegally-used controlled substances" (encompasses narcotic and non-narcotic drugs, including prescription drugs used abusively) and "non-controlled" (over-the-counter) medicines if they render one unfit for duty.
Additionally, the abuse of any substance (including consumption of alcohol) for the purpose of achieving a drug-like effect will fall under the prohibition against "drugs."
For the purpose of this policy, "under the influence" is a state of having levels where screening test results are reported as being positive. It may include being unable to perform work in a safe, productive manner, or being in a physical or mental condition that creates a risk to the safety and well-being of the employee, other employees, or Bonneville School of Sailing property.
Bonneville School of Sailing prohibits all persons from engaging in the following behavior while performing Bonneville School of Sailing business, while on Bonneville School of Sailing property, or while operating a sailing vessel on Bonneville School of Sailing business:
• Being under the influence of drugs or
• The sale, transfer, distribution, or unauthorized use or possession of drugs or
• Unauthorized use of company property for the storage or transportation of alcohol or drugs.
The above prohibitions shall not include drugs taken according to the verifiable prescription of a licensed physician.
Investigations and Drug Testing
All employees must cooperate with any substance abuse investigation. An investigation may include and require an employee to submit to a urine drug screen test. All employees will have the opportunity to list all drugs (prescription, over-the-counter, or other) and to explain the circumstances surrounding the use of such drugs. All records containing medical information will be maintained in accordance with applicable law.
An employee who refuses to sign a release or authorization to submit to any drug screen test, or who refuses to undergo such a test, or refuses to permit the medical facility to provide the results to the company will be considered the same as admission of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Bonneville School of Sailing has the right, where there is reasonable cause to believe or reasonable suspicion to conclude that contraband may be present, to search employee's property including lunch boxes, purses, lockers, automobiles, etc., on company property or job sites without prior warning. Any employee refusing to submit to such a search will be subject to disciplinary action, including discharge.
Types of Drug Testing
Bonneville School of Sailing will test employees on a pre-employment, random and "reasonable cause" basis only. The CEO/President or designee has the authority to authorize an alcohol or drug test for "reasonable cause."
Situations Warranting "Reasonable Cause" Testing
Bonneville School of Sailing has reasons to suspect, based upon observed employee behavior, credible reports or other credible information, that the employee may be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, or may have otherwise violated Bonneville School of Sailing drug policy.
The employee is involved in an accident that caused or was capable of causing injury to any person or damage to property.
Circumstances exist that reasonably suggest that such testing is appropriate, including but not limited to:
• Unexplained significant deterioration in individual job performance • Significant change in individual personality
• Excessive absenteeism, including tardiness
• Absences from normal work areas where there is a reason to suspect drug-related activity in violation of this policy