Join us for two hours of fun, freedom and relaxation. Take the helm, ask questions, try tacking and jibing and maybe even a heave-to. This is a great way to find out if sailing is for you.
Discover your sailing dream. Maybe even your life's dream.
COST: $99.00 per person
To schedule call 801-636-5204.
A letter from one of our sailing students says it all:
Hello Bonneville Sailing School,
I just wanted to let you know that I have bought a 38’ Nantucket in San Diego and have already been out sailing in the harbor numerous times. I am Aaron Isaacsen from Salt Lake City, the guy with the long hair and big red truck. You helped me out very much, in realizing that I can do this. “This” being my dream to sail around the planet. I am already doing the “live-aboard” lifestyle and look forward to heading down to Cabo and the Sea of Cortez this coming September. I will keep you posted as to my progress if you wish. Mainly, I would like to say “Thank You” for getting me started and showing me the basics that I needed to know, to start living my dream. I will never forget you for that.
Captain Aaron Isaacson